Lapbooking 101: Picking a High-Quality Lapbook

Over the last few weeks of this series, we've discussed why you should use lapbooking, what supplies you'll want to gather, and how to fold a lapbook. Today, we will move into content - or, more specifically, how to select a lapbook kit. Even if you do not intend to purchase a lapbook kit, this information will help you as you design your own lapbooks.

A high-quality lapbook should contain...

1. Cross-curricular materials. This is VERY important! I strongly believe in an interdisciplinary approach to learning. When you are picking out a literature lapbook, look for lapbooks that tie in (at the very least) science and social studies. Likewise, science lapbooks should tie in math and geography, and social studies lapbooks should tie in literature and science.

2. Real life applications. Relating new facts to everyday life will make them more memorable. You might look for activities that include writing letters to characters, or comparing life today to a different era. If you're creating a science-based lapbook, find ways to include day-to-day applications of different concepts.

3. Appropriate amounts of research and writing. This may seem like common sense, but select a lapbook geared towards your child's age and ability level. For example, don't choose a lapbook with lots of Internet research for your second grader, or a fill-in-the-blank project for your eighth grader.

4. The right amount of material to fit your schedule. Don't try to rush it! A rushed lapbook doesn't make for a pleasant or effective learning experience.

5. Engaging colors, shapes, fonts, etc. Lapbooks should not be garish or distracting, but should be attractive and appealing to young learners.

I hope these tips help you as you select a lapbook for your child! Next time, we'll discuss how to create your own mini-books and foldable lapbook pieces. 

Have you found a great lapbook kit? Share it with us in the comments, or on Instagram by using the hashtag #Lapbooking101 or by tagging me at @edventuresathome!