Book Talk Tuesday: Pippi Longstocking

Today is Tuesday, and that means it's time to link-up with Mrs. Jump's Class for another fabulous Book Talk Tuesday! This week, I'm sharing one of my absolute favorite books for the elementary crowd... Pippi Longstocking

NOW... I know that this isn't a new book. In fact, it's probably a book that you've all read at least once in your life. I wanted to share it anyway, partly because it's a GREAT summer read that can spark all sorts of super, silly, summer-y fun! More than that, though, I appreciate all of the opportunities that Pippi provides to discuss manners, safety, the importance of friends and family, different cultures, the importance of not telling lies, creative storytelling... 

Oh, I could go on, and on, and on!

Anyway, here are a few of my favorite activities to go along with Pippi Longstocking - one for each chapter of the book! Here's to a summer full of fun! :)
Chapter 1 - Make a Pippi collage! Carefully read the description of Pippi included in this chapter, then create a picture of her using scraps of paper, fabric, and/or bits of pictures from magazines and newspapers.

Chapter 2 - Become a "Thing-Finder!" Gather some assorted household objects in a bag or basket. Take turns coming up with alternate uses for each object.

Chapter 3 - Play a good old-fashioned game of freeze tag, or try making pepparkakor. 

Chapter 4 - Use sidewalk chalk to draw life-size creatures on your sidewalk or driveway.

Chapter 5 - Climb a tree, or play hide-and-seek - preferably inside your house and not inside a tree like Pippi. ;)

Chapter 6 - Pack a basket and go on a picnic!

Chapter 7 - Go to the circus if there's one in town. Otherwise, watch YouTube videos of a circus, or create your own silly circus with friends and pets!

Chapter 8 - Attempt "playing the comb" with a plastic comb and some wax paper. Can you make music? Check out YouTube for some tutorials.

Chapter 9 - Plan some simple refreshments, dress up, and throw a "coffee party" or a tea party.

Chapter 10 - Grab some rope or cord, and learn to tie different knots. You never know when this skill might come in handy!

Chapter 11 - Make up silly ghost stories around a campfire - or in the comfort of your home with flashlights. 
Do you know of any other children's literature that sparks good old-fashioned summer fun? Leave a comment and let me know!

{P.S. If you liked these ideas, please consider checking out my literature guide for Pippi Longstocking, which is published by Knowledge Box Central. It is also available through Christian Book Distributors or Rainbow Resources. Thanks!}
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